Terry Gilliam Laughs Off False Report Of His Death - Son Dakika

Terry Gilliam Laughs Off False Report Of His Death

'Variety' accidentally posted an article saying Terry Gilliam was dead. After the site apologized for the error, the 'Monty Python' star looked on the bright side and made a jest of the report. Emily Eden (@edenandtheapple) has the story.

10.09.2015 00:13

'Variety' accidentally posted an article saying Terry Gilliam was dead. After the site apologized for the error, the 'Monty Python' star looked on the bright side and made a jest of the report. Emily Eden (@edenandtheapple) has the story.

Terry Gilliam Laughs Off False Report Of His Death
Kaynak: DailyMotion.com

Son Dakika Yaşam Terry Gilliam Laughs Off False Report Of His Death - Son Dakika

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