Fourth Season Excavations Begin İn Adramytteion Site - Son Dakika

Fourth Season Excavations Begin İn Adramytteion Site

Fourth Season Excavations Begin İn Adramytteion Site

In Burhaniye district of Aegean province Balıkesir, excavation works seeking to unearth ancient site of Adramytteion have started within its fourth round. According to the director of excavations Professor Hüseyin Murat Özgen, a new project was launched this year in attempt to unearth cultural values.

13.08.2015 14:59

In Burhaniye district of Aegean province Balıkesir, excavation works seeking to unearth ancient site of Adramytteion have started within its fourth round.

According to the director of excavations Professor Hüseyin Murat Özgen, a new project was launched this year in attempt to unearth cultural values around Buraniye and Körfez districts, prior to 4th season works, with permission of Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

"Within this project, we conduct a surface exploration investigating the archaeological and epigraphic potential of the region. Around the Burhaniye area, we have achieved to obtain significant findings and to do documentation. Some of our reporting includes the systems of castles, waterways, and ancient stone pits in those mounds, dating back to the Bronze Age" said Murat Özgen, adding that the unearthed areas' protection and environment projects have been finalized and submitted to the protection board.

According to Özgen, in the following years a private project is targeted to be launched to make an up to date inventory of the cultural map in gulf region, with support of experts from different domains. Within the inventory project, surface explorations will be conducted ahead of every future excavation project, concentrating on a cross-section reaching from Havran to Ayvalık.

Along with the director of excavations, an archaeology student Mustafa Akçaöz, in his fourth year on the field- said that they have had very productive and informative excavation seasons in the past and they hope to continue this way, with future scientific works.

(Photo) - Balıkesir

Kaynak: DHA

Son Dakika Güncel Fourth Season Excavations Begin İn Adramytteion Site - Son Dakika

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